Poems from Dropping Sunrises in a Jar on
Excited that Taylor Swift has an Armature dress! She reflects the poems in Section III, "not sure but trying" book designer: Pam Fish Originals

3 Poems
A really nice piece about his Nana's holiday cookies with her recipe and 3 of my poems, including "Sweet Potato Casserole!"

Karen Jackson, October 20, 2021

More poems...
Reading at Harrison Center, New Bern, NC with Nexus Poets. April 3, 2019.
Listen to me read with Lisa Molina and Meg Pokrass on Episode 12 of
TERcets, which is a literary podcast by The Ekphrastic Review. Each episode features three pieces selected by the host, Brian Salmons, from the Ekphrastic Review website, ekphrastic.net. melindathomsen.com
Artwork: Planet Set, by Joseph Cornell (USA) 1950. Ekphrastic Writing Challenge, August 20, 2021

July 23, 2021
Go to Sledgehammer Literary Review to read this poem. It will also be Forthcoming in Winter 2022: I Wanna Be Loved by You: Poems on Marilyn Monroe edited by Susana H. Case & Margo Taft Stever from Milk & Cake Press.

Here is a discussion of using couplets in poetry by Sheri Fresonke Harper called,
Blank Space in Poems in the Winter 2019 Comstock Review . It appeared on her blog on February 21, 2020, and she discusses my poem "Piñatas!" Thank you, Sheri!

"Old Tractor Equipment" North Carolina Literary Review Online 2020, published February 2, 2020. Finalist for the 2019 James Applewhite Poetry Prize.